A Better Love with Dr. Greg Matos
Join Dr. Greg Matos, a nationally board-certified couple and family psychologist in Los Angeles, to learn how to foster a healthier, more fierce love in your life. The show explores love in our society with a focus on modern dating, long-term relationships, and the dynamic cultural forces redefining relationship expectations in friendships, romance, and family. Special guests include industry leaders in mental health, entertainment, and business. This podcast is sponsored by the charitable contributions of listeners like you with tax-deductible donations to A Better Love Project, Inc. Support the show with a donation today: https://donorbox.org/abetterloveproject.
A Better Love with Dr. Greg Matos
Understanding Men's Friendships with Dr. Geoffrey Greif
Join Dr. Greg and Dr. Greif, a Distinguished Professor of Social Work at the University of Maryland, to discuss the power of male friendships.
In this episode:
1. The types of friendships: must, trust, rust, and just.
2. The barriers to male friendships, including how men pursue a connection with other men.
3. Lessons from "Buddy System: Understanding Male Friendships".
4. The importance of couple friends, biggest takeaways from "Two Plus Two: Couples and their couple friends."
5. Strategies for creating new friendships.
To learn more about Dr. Greif, you can visit: https://www.ssw.umaryland.edu/content/people/name-627914-en.html
As always, you can find us @abetterloveproject everywhere.
Buddy System: https://www.amazon.com/Buddy-System-Understanding-Male-Friendships/dp/0195326423
Two Plus Two: https://www.amazon.com/Two-Plus-Couples-Couple-Friendships/dp/0415879272